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God in Prison



Why god in Prison ???

We have Bab and Baha, both of whom are apparently manifestations of the same personality. Now if Baha was Bab, then Bab was Baha. Then the Babi Faith is the Baha'i faith and vice-versa. Then the execution of Bab was in effect the martyrdom of Baha and Baha's death was in fact that of Bab's.
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Paleo-King's avatar
It's reality, not offensive.

These cult followers have no clue that what's REALLY offensive is if a dirty beggar claims to be God even when he's locked up and starving in jail. That is offensive to God and all true divine religions. Such a "god" that can't even save himself from jail or execution! Bab wasn't even capable of doing basic math, that's why he cam up with all that bogus numerology crap to fool ignorant villagers. He was also a failure at spelling and grammar, don't tell me God can't spell! Cult cult cult.